The mission of Fuller Academy is to provide a challenging curriculum where academic excellence, character development, and individual growth are nurtured in a safe environment that involves the active participation of students, teachers, parents, and community members.
“Our school is a place where children enjoy learning, teachers enjoy teaching, and parents are expected to be a key part of the educational process.”
At Fuller Academy, we respect diversity and strive to enhance and support it. Diversity influences how we teach, learn, and communicate. Our Curriculum supports diversity with exemplary instructional materials.
We believe that a friendly, nurturing, and kind school environment fosters true scholarship and helps students develop strong ethical values. In a well-ordered community, adults model behavior for students and encourage inner discipline. In such an environment, it is our strong belief that students will grow into contributing, optimistic members of society who will have a positive impact on their community.
Fuller Academy is a place where joyful learning is the foundation of academic excellence. Whether at a desk, art studio, or playground, learning is embedded in play, exploration, and discovery. “Skills and drills” take their place alongside teamwork, collaboration, and critical questioning (“Why? How? What if?”). The experience is as academically challenging and exciting as it is nurturing and structured.
Classes are small and the instruction is individualized. In the early grades, the use of manipulatives nurtures the development of number sense and ensures a thorough understanding of basic concepts that prepare students to master pictorial, symbolic, and abstract levels. Working in small groups, students expand and enrich their understanding through math games and cooperative math activities. Literacy in Grades 1-5 reading and writing instruction is progressive and individualized based on formal and informal assessments, ensuring that every child will be challenged and inspired. In the younger grades, we focus on developing students’ fluency and decoding through a multisensory reading and language program, specifically S.P.I.R.E. This research-based model provides a multisensory and structured approach to give students the building blocks of literacy.
We use i-Ready, an online program for reading and mathematics that supports students and teacher to determine foundational needs, personalize learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year.
In grades K through 5, by providing a framework for inquiry, Wit & Wisdom helps students build rich layers of knowledge. The company's curricula are "best-in-class," using "research-based instructional methods that are proved to work for all learners," and are "knowledge-driven, and B.E.S.T standards correlated.”
Mathematics problem-solving ability is stressed as students learn to break down math problems. While each grade has benchmarks for math achievement, teachers in all grades differentiate math instruction for students who are ready for more challenging work based on pre-and post-unit assessments. We utilize Touch Math, Dream Box and Savvas to accommodate different learning styles.
Science is an exploratory, hands-on experience for students in every grade.
Use of technology is meaningfully integrated into classrooms. Students use Chromebooks and the Google Platform. Through technology, students research, collaborate, and create, learning to bring their ideas to fruition as well as practice skills and assessments.
We are proud to offer Art, Theater, Yoga, and Physical Education, through which students play cooperative games and work to develop fundamental movement skills, balance, and hand-eye coordination. Students develop skills in specific sports like soccer and basketball, preparing them for team participation.
We offer Family Empowerment & Support Services, because we believe an intentional and collaborative partnership between home and school is essential for student success. In addition to the expertise of classroom teachers, there is a team of professionals who provide support to students for both learning and social-emotional development. Our Family Empowerment & Support Team works with all students to promote and support their emotional growth.
Family and School Communication is crucial; our goal is to create an atmosphere of trust, openness, mutual respect, and ongoing communication with your family and your child. Teachers communicate regularly with families through our ClassDojo app (a safe and simple communication app for teachers, parents, and students). In addition, the family engagement contract must be signed and followed for continued success.
With gratitude,
Lonni Farina, M. Ed.
Fuller Academy Director
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